Download 3ds Games To Sd

The firmware is the operating system that the 3DS runs on. Firmware is updated as time goes on just like any major product, with higher numbers being newer versions. The firmware version of your 3DS can easily be determined by selecting the System Settings icon and checking the bottom-right corner of the top screen. Currently in order to use Browserhax your firmware must be lower than 10.3.0-28. However, starting with version 9.9 the firmware will check if the system is up to date, and if not, refuse to allow you to use the browser. If you see the nag message you will not be able to use Browserhax, but it is possible to circumvent the nag message by performing the following steps:

  1. Download 3ds Games To Sd
  2. Download 3ds Roms
  3. How To Download 3ds Games Without Sd Card

1.Go to System Settings and change the date to January 1, 2000, 00:00.

Jan 3, 2015 - I decided to perform a factory reset on my 3DS as I wanted a new NNID more than I wanted the downloaded games. I removed the SD card. May 7, 2015 - Play 3ds games on sd card via cia files. Cia file is the app or game which download from eshop and install into the 3ds sd card. But now you can.

2.Use the browser 'Initialize save data' option, before any page gets loaded triggering the browser version message.(Note that you can't press the HOME button to return from the browser, otherwise you will have to re-initialize the save data again. Once the date reaches January 2 you will need to perform these steps again in order to use this workaround.

In the bottom picture you can see three examples of the firmware version. As you can see the red New3DS is not capable of being homebrewed, while the black 3DS XL and black original 3DS are.

December 2014

I decided to buy a Nintendo 3DS XL off of eBay, and found one with hard copies of games, and Ocarina of Time 3D installed onto the device, so when it arrived at first I was super happy as I had these games, but soon realized that I wanted to make the 3DS my own, by factory resetting it so I can create my own profile and change the settings to my choosing. However, I was told that by doing this it will delete the system installed games, as a game is linked with the previous owner's account or something. So long story short, I want to know if there is a way to keep these games after a factory reset. If there isn't a way then I wasted money on a game that I can't even keep.

Update - January 2015

Download 3ds Games To Sd

I decided to perform a factory reset on my 3DS as I wanted a new NNID more than I wanted the downloaded games. I removed the SD card and began the process. After I did this I fully expected for the titles to no longer be on my 3DS. So I set it up, and they weren't there. No surprise there. But, I made an account on e-shop, and decided to check on the re-downloadable software thing, just in case the games happened to be there. AND THEY WERE! I downloaded them and they work perfectly fine! I have no idea how this happened! So so shocked, but happy. Can anyone explain why this happened? As the games should have been linked to the previous owner's NNID, so how did I get them back when I made my own NNID on a factory reset console?


1 Answer

According to Nintendo Support:

A Nintendo Network ID is required to download game demos and other free software.

Once deleted, Nintendo eShop purchases can be redownloaded at no cost. Downloaded items appear as a gift on the HOME Menu. Once they have fully downloaded, you can tap them to access the software.

What to Do:

  1. From the HOME Menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon and tap 'Open.'
  2. Scroll left and select 'Settings / Other.'
  3. Scroll down and select 'Redownloadable Software.'
  4. Select 'Redownload' next to the software you wish to redownload.
  5. Select 'Download.'
  6. Select 'Download Later' or 'Download Now.' Items downloaded now will begin immediately. Items downloaded later will begin when the system enters sleep mode.

TL;DR: You need the original Nintendo Network ID to redownload the previously downloaded softwares after a console format.

Download 3ds Games To Sd

You can transfer data between two consoles before a console format, but that will transfer the Nintendo Network ID account, too. You cannot transfer data on a console with another Nintendo Network account.

You cannot perform a system transfer if the target system has a Nintendo Network ID linked. You must format the target system to remove the Nintendo Network ID link prior to transferring content.


protected by FrankDec 6 '16 at 17:20

Download 3ds Roms

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